Mom Blog Product Reviews: New Trend in Native Advertising

From stories of late-stage pregnancies to advice on inducing proper sleeping habits and baby cribs, mom blog product reviews on the internet can be a treasure trove for all things baby related. Only recently though, marketing heads have started taking notice of how frequently women turn towards these baby product review blogs for all their decision-making processes.

The demographics and statistical figures for the Analytically Minded

One of the most significant factors for marketing to Mommies, through Mom blog product reviews on Mommy Blogs, is:

  • Women are responsible for at least 80% of household purchases,
  • 70% of them said they are the primary shoppers
  • Spending from Moms, whether prospective, new or old, accounts for at least 2.2 trillion dollars in the babies and kids product industry.
  • It’s been found that 55% of women surveyed online refer to Mom Blog Product reviews before making any decisions on what to get their darlings.


The personal advice angle of shared experiences from Other Mommies

This is one of the most significant elements which pre-determine the interactions between women within the sphere on the internet. For many women, it is a way of sharing their experiences and learning from others who have been through similar things. If you’re a new mommy, it’s 3am, and you can’t get your 8 month old baby to stop crying for the love of God, what do you do but either a) call up your Mom or girlfriends and never hear the end of it, or b) look it up from online blogs? It’s only natural that moms gravitate towards other moms in seeking advice, especially since they are increasingly more reliant on the internet when they become Moms.

Mommy blogs

Mom Blog Product Reviews are Rewriting the Ways of Native Advertising

The human mind is completely confounding: anything that looks like a sales pitch is somehow just instantly rejected, e.g. flashy advert links on Google that form the first two search results. However, when something looks like its genuine advice from someone you know and trust, it can work much better. You’d believe in Homeopathy if your best friend said it worked for her kid, wouldn’t you? As far as new mommies are concerned, especially, other mommy bloggers can be life-savers in all aspects of life: personal care, diet choices, and what kind of stuff to get their children. This is native advertising at its best.

Time to Go “Mommy Power for the Win” and Why Jump On Board

There are plenty of reasons why mom bloggers have more following that many others, and that has to do with a long relationship built on good advice, sound reviews and visibly experiential responses. That’s not the only reason though why these people can potentially change your marketing strategy. For one, Google’s algorithm updates plays an important role in preferring blogs with genuine and quality content. So ultimately, it comes down to authenticity, large follower bases, genuine advice and great content.

About the author

GetReviewed | + posts

Mariia founded, a platform that connects advertisers with influential bloggers interested in collaborating.