Category Archives: General Marketing Tips

Marketing Tips

Read our blog posts below about general marketing tips, which will help reach more prospective consumers and turn them into customers.

Google’s December 2021 Product Reviews Update

Google's December Product Reviews Update

With the latest Google’s December 2021 product reviews update, product developers and even marketing agencies get real worried as to what will be the implication. This is the reason, we at, GetReviewed, always make it a point to emphasize quality and unbiased product reviews because regardless of the nature of the update that is announced, honest content is almost never penalized.

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Are You Increasing Your Brand Visibility Online?

Digital brand visibility is important now, more than ever. It defines your brand’s whole identity. Now, if you’re not online, somehow, you don’t exist. 

That’s how important brand visibility is. It helps your audience to understand your brand that will eventually lead to trust and loyalty. It sets the motion for your audience to build an affinity towards your brand. And it helps your brand to grow even more.

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How Digital Marketing can Help Small Businesses During a Pandemic Crisis

What we are currently experiencing is more than just a pandemic; we are in a recession. Businesses are closing down; people are losing jobs. And as the pandemic goes on and the uncertainty that comes with it, more businesses will burn out and suffer.

Even with how terrible it sounds, it’s still workable. Think of this time as an opportunity. If not to grow as a business, at least sustain it. And all you have to do is secure and maintain your marketing during a pandemic. To do this requires being strategic and conscious thinking. Here we give you tips to maintain your digital marketing during a pandemic to keep your business going…

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Here are Some Effective Ways to Promote Your Personal Brand

Life coach, Educationist, Voice-over Expert, Talent Acquisition Specialist, these are some of the terms that define what you do. But, these terms also tell what you have to offer to the world as a Personal Brand. Every one of us is a problem solver in one way or the another. The need is to identify your solution providing capacity and match it with the problem people have. The key to develop a long-lasting business and consumer relationship lies in knowing how to promote your personal brand. Continue reading Here are Some Effective Ways to Promote Your Personal Brand

Online Reputation Management– Improve Your Company Reputation

The reviews published about your business online may often spoil or improve your online reputation management and brand over the internet. A company often needs time to develop its brand name among the masses. Even if you’re a business owner with solid foresight, you might need to spend dollars worth millions and wait for a few years before achieving substantial goodwill. If any famous brand experiences a blogger upset, it might lose considerable market worth in just a few hours. Continue reading Online Reputation Management– Improve Your Company Reputation

Is Guest Blogging More Effective Than Article Marketing?

Article marketing has been a great online marketing tool for more than a decade, but now the digital marketers are looking for more effective solutions to meet their end objectives. While visiting the most eminent of web marketing forums, you’re bound to come across discussions that highlight the utilities of guest blogging as against article marketing. Continue reading Is Guest Blogging More Effective Than Article Marketing?

consumer purchasing decisions

Factors that Influence Consumer Purchasing Decisions

A myriad of factors influences consumer purchasing decisions. From personal preferences to external influences, these factors can make or break a sale for a business. Understanding these factors is crucial for companies to develop effective marketing strategies and ensure they can appeal to their target audience. In this article, we will explore key factors influencing consumer purchasing decisions and discuss why blogs influence people to buy a product.

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