The Seven Worst Facebook Marketing Mistakes

Even the most carefully considered and well-intentioned Facebook marketing campaign can backfire from just a few – or even one – small errors. Here are the seven worst Facebook marketing mistakes your business can make; avoid them at all costs.

Posting Too Much

Appearing too often in your fans’ newsfeeds is the quickest way to earn an “unlike” from them. No one appreciates it when a single business (or person) clogs up their feed; it makes it difficult for them to see a lot of other posts from people they care about more (no offense). If you experiment with ramping up your posting frequency and start getting more unlikes, dial it back down.
Not Posting Enough

On the other hand, being so afraid of annoying your fans that you hardly ever post is another mistake. If you post too infrequently, you’re greatly reducing your visibility to your fans. You don’t want to clog their newsfeeds, but you also don’t want to disappear from them. It’s important to work on finding the right balance; trial and error can help.
Lack of Diversity

There are so many different types of content that you can post, link to, or include in your Facebook page. Here are just a few: blog posts, news articles, contests, coupons, questions for fans, polls, videos, and photos. Don’t stick to the same thing all the time. Switch it up, and offer a variety of content and media. There will be something for everyone, and you’ll find out which types are most effective for you.
Too Many Tabs

Facebook allows you to create different tabs for your page, and it’s a great thing to take advantage of. Just make sure you don’t overdo it. Too many tabs will clutter your page and confuse your fans. Your tabs should be focused, and it should be easy to determine what content can be found where.
Offering Little Value

It would be nice, but you can’t earn “likes” just on the merits of your business alone. You could have the best business in the world, but that isn’t going to earn you any Facebook fans. People need to have a reason for liking your page – there has to be something in it for them. Offer them value – information they want and can use – and even the not-so-best business can earn fans.
Censoring Comments

You might think a negative comment will reflect badly on your business, so it should be deleted. Not so. Negative comments give you a chance to show off your customer service skills and learn something. They also prove to people that you have integrity and aren’t afraid of negative feedback.
Sloppy Editing

Lots of people use abbreviations and slang on Facebook, but it doesn’t mean that your business should, too. Don’t use poor grammar, incorrect spelling, or bad punctuation. Never do it intentionally, and never neglect to edit your posts before publishing them. Sloppy editing will only make your company seem unprofessional and incompetent, which probably isn’t the look you’re going for.