How to Get Maximum Exposure from a Blog Review

A few important factors need to be analyzed before you even consider blogs for gaining quality product reviews. First, you must identify blogs that can relate to your business arena. You’re bound to come across a few blog listing websites like GetReviewed that list blogs from influential bloggers by following a stringent selection process. You may register with such websites, but then you’ll need to choose appropriate categories for finding blogs that belong to your niche. Continue reading How to Get Maximum Exposure from a Blog Review

Google Recent SERP Changes

The new set of SERP changes rolled out by Google is bound to impact your digital marketing strategies. Now, marketers should ideally brace themselves for the recent SERP changes that entail multifarious attributes including PPC, Google Images, Shopping on Google, News, Knowledge Graph and Apps.

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Mom Blog Product Reviews: New Trend in Native Advertising

From stories of late-stage pregnancies to advice on inducing proper sleeping habits and baby cribs, mom blog product reviews on the internet can be a treasure trove for all things baby related. Only recently though, marketing heads have started taking notice of how frequently women turn towards these baby product review blogs for all their decision-making processes. Continue reading Mom Blog Product Reviews: New Trend in Native Advertising

How to Get Your Book Reviewed by Bloggers

Have you come up with your own book lately and looking forward to share your literary masterpiece with the world? That’s simply amazing and you should be serious with your book marketing endeavors. One of the smartest strategies here is to get your book reviewed by book bloggers. The book bloggers are followed by a heavy traffic of book
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Top 20 Most Popular Lifestyle Blogs


If you are looking for a positive change in life, the top most popular lifestyle blogs on the internet would be a handy resource. We have come up with a list of top 20 lifestyle blogs that cover expert insights on everything in life, be it success or career or relationships or family or health or happiness. All the blogs listed here are on top pages of Google and enjoy premium ranking at Alexa. Continue reading Top 20 Most Popular Lifestyle Blogs

Boosting Your Business Growth With Sponsored Reviews

As soon as an individual starts a business he has to worry about its growth. The starting days of a business are the scariest for any business owner because you have already invested the huge savings of your life, taken bank loans and recruited people who will now Continue reading Boosting Your Business Growth With Sponsored Reviews