4 Ways That Will Help Get Product Reviews on Blogs

Marketing is a dynamic word and it keeps changing its course every now and then. Currently, product reviews on blogs seem to be one of the trending ways of marketing as there are umpteen bloggers who have been minting money by having a great follow count. As a brand, you may be on the lookout for the best ways to have your product marketed and if you will like to capitalize on the current trends, one of the right ways is to look for the top bloggers in that niche and approach them to help you market your products or find them at GetReviewed.org and purchase product reviews on blogs directly through our platform.

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Are You Increasing Your Brand Visibility Online?

Digital brand visibility is important now, more than ever. It defines your brand’s whole identity. Now, if you’re not online, somehow, you don’t exist. 

That’s how important brand visibility is. It helps your audience to understand your brand that will eventually lead to trust and loyalty. It sets the motion for your audience to build an affinity towards your brand. And it helps your brand to grow even more.

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The Benefits of Blogging and Collaboration for B2B

By now, you probably have heard all the reasons why blogging is important and why you should have one, whether you’re a business or a personal brand. Blogging, as content, has great benefits for your marketing.

Blogging just started as a personal web journal back in the 90s, but now blog posts are one of the ultimate forms of content to market your business, get more website traffic, and drive more conversions.

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How Digital Marketing can Help Small Businesses During a Pandemic Crisis

What we are currently experiencing is more than just a pandemic; we are in a recession. Businesses are closing down; people are losing jobs. And as the pandemic goes on and the uncertainty that comes with it, more businesses will burn out and suffer.

Even with how terrible it sounds, it’s still workable. Think of this time as an opportunity. If not to grow as a business, at least sustain it. And all you have to do is secure and maintain your marketing during a pandemic. To do this requires being strategic and conscious thinking. Here we give you tips to maintain your digital marketing during a pandemic to keep your business going…

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Why Great Collaboration with Influencers Matter

Collaboration with influencers is the basis of your campaign’s success. Here, we discuss why it matters.
As consumers, we value other people’s opinions, especially those we trust and admire. We are all guilty of purchasing something when a peer recommends it or when a well-known person who we admire mention it. Our initial reaction will be, “This must be good.”

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7 Horrible Mistakes You’re Making With Influencer Marketing

Like it or not, influencer marketing is here to stay.

It is one of the most effective digital marketing trends right now. From a marketer’s point of view, it is all about engagement opportunities and a wider audience reach. It’s because most people see their content as more authentic and relatable. People respond to it because they value an influencer’s taste and opinion. That’s their power. 

But if influencer marketing is not used wisely, it can be an expensive waste.

For some, influencer marketing is just about getting a content creator, like tapping an endorser. But it involves a lot of collaboration that can be a ground for a mistake.

So here, we list down some mistakes you want to avoid for your next influencer marketing campaign:

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7 Reasons Why You Should Invest in Influencer Marketing (Travel and Tourism Industry)

The travel and tourism industry is trending right now, with younger generations seeing it as a necessity for personal and mental growth. Influencer marketing in travel is another reason why it is booming. It’s an evolved tactic of word-of-mouth marketing and social proof that compels more people to jump in and try. Most marketers (89%) say that return on investment from influencer marketing better than other forms of marketing channels.

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The Evolution of Influencer Marketing Strategy

Introducing Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is a new phenomenon, with its average spend increasing over 3 times backdating from 2017. What is the origin of this? The answer is social media and blogging, which has exponentially grown over the years so that marketers can use online platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Personal Blogs to promote brands and reach out to a variety of audiences. Its rise opens up new channels for direct communication between brands and customers (Glucksman, 2017). Influencer marketing also promotes better collaboration with social media platforms through branded content (Freburg, 2010). The objective of influencer marketing strategy is to increase revenue, increase traffic and transform visitors of your website into customers. This marketing tactic is not a new concept but has grown in popularity over the past few years.

Major SEO factors to Consider for Link Building

Link building is an important part of SEO activities. You get a website made or build it yourself, that is great! But, when you wonder why it is not being picked by the end consumers, you perhaps have not heard of or tried SEO. The process of SEO involves taking account of search engine algorithms and optimizing the websites or similar web properties according to the recommendations. The search engines have a typical way of determining whether the website is worth promoting or not. The common points considered by the search engines are: Continue reading Major SEO factors to Consider for Link Building