Google Panda Update: What is it ?

Google Panda updates are almost certainly the most popular talk between webmasters and blog owners. A large range of websites had been already affected by Google Panda updates within the Year of 2011 that targets websites that Google considers as content farms.

By the way, Google Panda updates are nothing but a series of algorithmic tweaks (one between many 100s) that Google rolls out every 3-4 weeks in numerous major and minor versions. Some of these updates target only US websites when other updates are rather global and the motive here is improving search results quality by promoting the right content and dropping the bad one from the search.

Google Panda update history

Here are the dates of major Panda updates:

24/02/11 : Version 1.0

11/04/11 : Version 2.0

10/05/11: Version 2.1

16/06/11: Version 2.2

23/07/11: Version 2.3

12/08/11: Version 2.4

28/09/11: Version 2.5

13/10/11: Version 2.5.2

18/11/11: Version 3.1

Some of these updates affected only US sites and English language searches while others were broader global updates. The last Panda Update was on the 18th of November, version 3.1.

How to check if your Internet site was affected by Google Panda?

It is really easy. Analyse your Google Analytics or other site visitors tracking details and examine if there’s large drop of organic targeted traffic (traffic from search engines) on any on the more than dates. If so, you can be sure that your website became a Panda victim.

However, you should cross check if there has beed any recovery during any subsequent update as well. This is due to the simple fact that Google lifts the penalty on any website that has been mis-judged as being a content farm (or adverse content provider), during next update. Essentially, should you had been slapped by Google, you have 3 weeks or so to appropriate yourself, if at all possible, and reorganize content.

Also, please note that, as opposed to most other search algorithm updates that target individual pages, Google Panda affects the organic site visitors of your whole site.

Google Panda Recovery of your Website

It is a well-known fact that ‘Unique Content is King!’. Writing particular content involves all those people aspects just like staying away from scraping, removing similar content and producing pages with reasonable quantity of text etc. Other than that the after appears being the steps on the recovery of the web site or blog in the clutches on the Google Panda.

If you have any article that cannot be expanded to several hundred words long top quality article, take into account adding noindex to such pages to tell Google that you simply don’t want to put them as being a candidate for search indexing.

Since Panda affects the whole domain or subdomain, should you have any poor categories or poor content, it is possible to move it to a separate sub-domain. For example, if you write much about news merchandise or republished content, it is possible to consider moving that part to an additional sub-domain such as so that just incase of a Panda attack, only that component of one’s content is affected.

Focus on deep linking instead of building links on the property document alone.

Promote social sharing of your content and make it simpler to your readers to share your content utilizing a number of social sharing widgets and icons.

Reduce bounce rate by providing users with more related content to navigate to, provide suitable call for action links. Remember, Panda focuses significantly on the user’s behavior right after hitting your content
Now, in case you are nevertheless NOT recovering out with the Panda attack following all people measures, it could be even a mistake by Google or your web site content is possibly uncorrectable or inappropriate. Should you believe that it’s a true mistake, you are able to contact Google Webmaster Tools support for your reconsideration.

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