Best AdSense Placement

The AdSense program offers by Google is a great way for anyone to make steady and substantial income through the internet regardless of his or her technical shrewdness or internet experience. Though quite a lot of people are creating AdSense websites or even converting many of their existing websites to AdSense sites in an attempt to make significant and steady income, but majority of these people finish up making their webpages look more or less like crap simply because of their bad AdSense placement. In this tutorial, we shall be looking at tips to best AdSense placement on your sites that yield fantastic clicks.

Tips to Best AdSense Placement

Leader Board

The leader board is the best AdSense placement spot for a site that is exclusively designed for AdSense and it is considered a quick way to get clicks since some people would think of it as a navigation link to other pages. This is only viable on a site exclusively built for an AdSense. Get the code for an Ad link, choose 728 by 15 and about five links per unit. Adjust the link color to any color that matches your website but black is most preferable. Place the code on your website where the nav menu should be.

However, if you are converting an existing site with nav menu to an AdSense site and you still want to maintain it, then you can put the AdSense in the sidebar skyscraper rather than in the leader board.

Text around AdSense

Another best AdSense placement spot is at the top of every post. Put a block of 336 by 280. You can set the links to a color that suits your site but not the default blue. Put text around the AdSense Ad for the best appearance and result.

These are just about the two best AdSense placement spots. But after setting up these, you can add a 468 by 60 image/text block at the base of posts and/or a 336 by 280 image/text block at the peak of the sidebar.