All posts by Mariia Lvovych

About Mariia Lvovych

Freelance writer, blogger, owner and founder of Olma Web Directory, Olma Writings business writing and blogger outreach service. Editor and administrator at Olma Directory Blog and sponsored reviews platform. - Get Reviewed by independent Bloggers - Earn Money blogging - Guest Posting Service - Blogger Outreach Program - Blogger Outreach Services

Content Farms Google

Much has been discussed recently about Google‘s new search engine ranking algorithm update that is related to google content farms. Facebook and twitter are filled with messages which relate to the blogs getting blacklisted because of the content farms on google.

Content farm google definition: In accordance with wikipedia

In the context of the Internet, the phrase content farm describes a business that employs great numbers of professional freelance writers to create a lot of content that is specially produced to satisfy algorithms for maximal retrieval by automated search engines. Their primary goal is to earn ad income via attracting reader impressions.
(This wiki document was updated many times mainly because Google’s announcement on algorithm update and its content neutrality has been disputed) Continue reading Content Farms Google

Google Panda Update: What is it ?

Google Panda updates are almost certainly the most popular talk between webmasters and blog owners. A large range of websites had been already affected by Google Panda updates within the Year of 2011 that targets websites that Google considers as content farms.

By the way, Google Panda updates are nothing but a series of algorithmic tweaks (one between many 100s) that Google rolls out every 3-4 weeks in numerous major and minor versions. Some of these updates target only US websites when other updates are rather global and the motive here is improving search results quality by promoting the right content and dropping the bad one from the search. Continue reading Google Panda Update: What is it ?

Advertising Impressions Definition – The Number of Impressions

Advertising Impressions definition, sometimes known as a view or an advert view, is really a condition that refers to the point where an ad is viewed one time by a visitor, or displayed one time on the particular page. The number of impressions of a certain ad is determined by the number of times the specific website page is loaded. If it is randomly generated, then it’s the number of times the particular ad seems within the random generator. An impression is an estimate of the number of individuals a particular advertisement is reaching, and may be counted in various ways depending upon the way the ad is situated on the page, and the number of times the website page where the ad seems is shown. Ads report lists the number of total ad impressions, which essentially counts the number of times how the ad was served by the search engines when the keyword which the ad is connected to had been searched for. Continue reading Advertising Impressions Definition – The Number of Impressions

Popular Search Engines by Country

Typically, there are lots of search engines on the internet (almost 100). But only a very few of them can make the list of popular search engines by country and can frequently rise to the top of the heap for various reasons such as;

• exploring as many countries and territories as possible
• search in other or different language
• make submission to other search engines
• easy and simple to use
• present great and accurate results Continue reading Popular Search Engines by Country

How to Promote a Service Online

So you decided to make the plunge into service business and began your own company. Possibly you’ve always been experienced in the area you have chosen, or maybe you’ve spent your adult life going to school and studying with the aim to turn into a licensed practitioner. promote a serviceAnd now the single question you’ve got is how to promote a service for getting more clients? For example, should you started your own physical therapy practice, what kind of physical therapy advertising can you do to make certain that your process is getting a constant stream of prospects calling in to appoint a time for your services? This really is where the knowing how to promote a service corporation on-line will quite allow you to succeed. Continue reading How to Promote a Service Online

Most Popular Youtube Searches

Nowadays, most results in Google for most popular YouTube searches are videos claiming to perform video keyword search using WordTracker. But one of the major hassles with performing keyword search for videos this way is that most common searches in WordTracker that acquires its data from meta search engines are not really the most popular YouTube searches. In point of fact, the results are completely different in almost all cases. Continue reading Most Popular Youtube Searches

How to Put ADS on YouTube Videos

One of the frequently asked questions on Google AdSense Help forum is “how to put ads on YouTube videos?” This has been a glitch to a lot of online marketers as some of us don’t know how to put ads on YouTube videos to promote our respective products and services. If you’ve been having problems putting ads on YouTube videos, keep on reading this piece of article.

The first thing you should understand is that the ads which is relevant to the text describing every video is inserted automatically. If your content(s) lacks specific description and/or contains an ambiguous title, the ad robot might not figure out the ads to display. Continue reading How to Put ADS on YouTube Videos


Talking of an internet ad and doing business on Google is actually quitting the routine and living the life style of your own choice. This begins with Adwords Campaign Management – where various wording techniques are utilized to win and get ahead with Ad words.

The idea behind google ad services pagead aclk is emerging business selling technique that might catch up more customers for the products ranging from house hold, beauty industry, internet business, affiliate market, real estate, travel deals even dining and eating.

The market trends are followed and so we drive our selves towards more and more attractive click based selling, but this whole phenomenon is not so easily conceived, a plan to sell your locally desired item shall not be globally presented for click business and such a marketing campaign is not a wise idea in google ad services pagead aclk. Continue reading GOOGLE AD SERVICES PAGEAD ACLK. Main Idea

How to Search a Website with Google

You almost certainly use Google numerous times a day. But if you are not a technology geek, you likely nevertheless use Google in its simplest form. If your contemporary use of search engine is limited to typing some words in, and changing your query until you have found what you were looking for, then you should know that there’s a better way – and it’s not hard to learn. Over the other hand, should you be a technology geek, and could use Google like the best of them already, then just bookmark this article about how to search a website tips. You’ll then have the tips on hand when you are capable to pull your hair out in frustration after watching a neophyte repeatedly using simple queries in a desperate asking how to search a website and looking for some advice. Continue reading How to Search a Website with Google

Google Link Builder – What Is It, and How Can It Help Your Website?

With so many different tools available, it’s hard to keep track of what does what. Google Analytics is perhaps the most popular tool used today, designed to track the amount of visitors sent to a particular website. The Google Link Builder is a platform used in conjunction with Google Analytics. So, what is the Google Link Builder, and what will it do for you? To put it simply, the Google Link Builder, also known as the Google URL Builder, is a platform used to build a link, or URL, unique to a particular page on your website. Once the link has been built through the Google Link Builder and has been placed, it then woks together with Google Analytics to track traffic sources, giving you the ability to see which types of communications provide your webpage with the most traffic. Google Analytics tracks traffic to your website as a whole, not individual pages and individual mediums, therefore using the Google Link Builder can help you track those traffic sources/mediums, such as different types of social media, to a particular page, and therefore help you determine which mediums should be used more often in the future. Continue reading Google Link Builder – What Is It, and How Can It Help Your Website?

Who Links To My Site? Find Out

Who links to my site? First of all, let’s discuss why this question is so important. Understanding how many, and determining the quality of links to your site is one of the most important aspects of search engine optimization. As a webmaster myself, one of my top priorities is finding out who links to my site. The reason for this can be summed in two words, Page Rank. Continue reading Who Links To My Site? Find Out

Getting Your Website On Google – How It’s Done

getting your website on googleWhy is getting your website on Google so important? That’s easy, you want to attract visitors right? Google is the number one search engine used. They are the key to increasing traffic to your website. If Google likes you, then everybody likes you, it’s just that simple. However, getting your website on Google is not so simple. It takes time, research, and most of all, SEO marketing knowledge, both on-page and off-page.

So, how does one go about getting your website on Google? It starts at home, with keywords research. Targeting your audience with specific keywords, long-tail and short-tail, takes a little bit of research. Once you’ve determined that a keyword has potential, key word density becomes the next important factor. Providing high quality content that’s rich with keywords is one of the best ways to go about getting your website on Google. Internal linking is important as well. Providing an easy-to-navigate website for Google Spiders will help new pages get discovered and indexed. Continue reading Getting Your Website On Google – How It’s Done

Innovative Internet Marketing Solutions – Staying Ahead Of The Game

Internet marketing is always changing, growing, and evolving. To stay ahead of the game you must always look to the future, discovering new innovative internet marketing solutions. I’m not saying that the past is dead, in fact there are several internet marketing strategies from years past that still work today, some have changed a little, but for the most part they’re still a driving force.

Let’s talk about innovative internet marketing solutions. First of all, innovation is defined as a new idea, method, or device. It’s an introduction to something new. Internet marketing in itself is still a baby if you think about it, well I guess it’s more of 12 year old kid. My point is, the internet is still considered an innovative marketing solution in itself, some business’s have yet to even grasp hold of the idea, let alone put it to good use. Continue reading Innovative Internet Marketing Solutions – Staying Ahead Of The Game

Top Paid Directories

Top Paid Directories – What Are The Benefits?
top paid directoriesWhat’s the point of using top paid directories? What are the benefits of participating, and submitting your website for inclusion in top paid directories? There are thousands and thousands of web directories out there, some are free, and some, not so free. So, why pay if you can do it for free? That’s simple, submit your website to a free directory and it could take months for them to even review it, and then when they do, they could simply not accept it. If you pay for a listing into one of the top paid directories, it will be reviewed faster with more chance for acceptance. Also, free directories lack high page ranks, have less backlinks, and are not considered mature. On the other end, top paid directories will have a higher page rank, lots of backlinks, Continue reading Top Paid Directories

How Does The Google Search Engine Work

How does google workSo, how does the Google search engine work? Let us first start at the beginning. Google began its rise to power back in the late 1990’s. Designed by two guys, Sergey Brin and Larry Page, the purpose was to create a search engine unlike any other. They wanted to be able to give there searchers the most relevant information possible. With the creation of the Google algorithm, they did just that. Over time this algorithm has continued to grow and evolve into something extremely complex. So, how does the Google search engine work you ask, well, let me give you a simple explanation.

First of all, Google has a web crawler bot, also known as Googlebot, that is designed to crawl the internet looking for newly published pages. Discovery of these pages is usually the result of following a link on a pre-indexed page. Once new pages have been found, the Googlebot will save them to an index. Once indexed, the pages will be checked for a number of things to distinguish its importance, including links to and from other pages. Being seen as an important page by Google is the best that any webmaster could hope for. Hence why so many people want to know, how does the Google search engine work? Based on the number, and quality of those linking to the new page, as well as the quality of content existing on the page itself, along with many other quality control checks, Google will give the new page a rank of importance, also known as page rank.

As you can probably imagine, the Google index grows faster than the speed of light, with millions of pages being indexed each and every day. So, again you ask, how does the Google search engine work? I’m getting to it. Once a user types the terms of their search into the search query, Google searches its vast index database, which is kept through a huge network of computers stationed all over the world. Over 100 different parameters are used to filter through millions of pages and find the most relevant, and accurate information, which is then returned to the user within milliseconds, via a search engine results page.

So, how does the Google search engine really work, well, nobody will ever truly understand how the algorithm works, aside from those who designed it, and I’d be willing to bet a lot of money that they will never reveal their secrets.

Advantages of Search Engines

Easy Tips To Expand Your Web Market

When properly and artfully utilized, search engine marketing would garner many benefits to your web business. Many marketing experts, at constant pace using the uninterrupted evolution and advantages of search engines like Google, can offer great insights on how to achieve your business objectives.

Generating Greater Earnings

One of the advantages of search engines is that search engine marketing might quickly boost your money-making capability. In order to accomplish this, it makes you more visible towards the online market, which consequently attracts more visitors for your site, bringing more clients and making your return on investment faster. A quick ROI does mean a stronger financial position for the business. It would make your site be visible along with the search engines for a longer time, unlike PPC, which might be temporary and unpredictable. Continue reading Advantages of Search Engines

Website Promotion Strategy

website promotion strategyFirst you need to create a content for your website, which will be search engine friendly by using proper URL’s, content titles, meta tags etc. You should make sure your website contents tend to be well formatted and nicely interlinked. And when including contents on your web site, you should make sure that they’re unique and does not really contain duplicate contents. And when there is a commenting facility on the website, you should be ensuring only quality comments obtain published on your website and when there are comments requesting some feedback from all of us, you should be replying them inside a positive manner.

Creating Weblogs for Website Promotion Strategy

You should be making blogs on popular running a blog platforms like Blogger, WordPress,, Tumblr etc. you should be creating blogs on these platforms as per the kind of keywords you are targeted on your websites. And you should update them with fresh and unique content related to your website niche regularly. Continue reading Website Promotion Strategy

Key Word Density for SEO

key word density Key word density is an on-page ranking factor in search engine optimization. When optimizing a webpage, you will want to pay attention to the key word density of the terms you are trying to rank for.

Key word density is a measure of how many times a particular keyword appears in the text of a webpage in relation to the total number of words on that page. For example, if the phrase “blue widgets” appears three times on a page with 100 total words, the key word density  for the phrase “blue widgets” would be 3%.

It is impossible to say what an optimal key word density is for ranking high in the search engines, but it is fair to say that keyword stuffing is an outdated method that will only hurt you. You can no longer fill a page with a bunch of keywords over and over and expect to rank high. The search engines will see your page as being unnatural and penalize you heavily. Continue reading Key Word Density for SEO

SEO Friendly Web Directory

seo friendly web directoryGetting to the top of the search engine rankings for top keywords is not easy. An SEO friendly web directory may be the missing tool in your SEO toolbox.
It is common knowledge that the most important thing to do is build incoming links to your webpage targeting your money keywords. One way to bolster your link building is with the SEO friendly web directory.

SEO Friendly Web Directory: What to Look For

When looking for an SEO friendly web directory, you should look for sites where you have some control over how your link appears. You want to be able to control the anchor text of your link so that you can get your keyword in there. That is the strong-point of a real SEO friendly web directory. Continue reading SEO Friendly Web Directory

SEO Benefits of Using Dofollow Article Directories

Article marketing, also called article directory submission, is a popular website promotion strategy for today’s website owners. This internet marketing solutions  are appealing for a couple of reasons:

* It’s simple – Even new-to-the-game website owners can figure out how to promote their website using article marketing.

* It’s cost effective – Regardless of whether you choose to outsource article directory submissions or you do them yourself, the potential returns on your investment are quite high. Continue reading SEO Benefits of Using Dofollow Article Directories

article directories

Instant Approval Article Directories

Instant approval article directories are a great way to get some quick link juice for your website’s search engine optimization. In a world with so many time and money-intensive website promotion strategies, having a simple way to boost your business should be a welcoming site. By now, you probably know how important link building is to search engine optimization. Actually, link building is critical to SEO marketing. Continue reading Instant Approval Article Directories