Pool Inspection For Commercial Pools

commercial swimming pool

If you own a commercial swimming pool, then you know how easy it can be to take them for granted. There is often very little maintenance performed on this equipment because everyone adapts the attitude “if its not broken, then don’t fix it.” This is why its important for pool owners to consider the question, “Are pool inspections really necessary?” And the answer is “Absolutely!” Its best for those who own commercial facilities to have their pools inspected at least every five years. Let’s discuss this matter in greater detail:

1. Operation Of Equipment
Part of inspection comprises a very close look at all the equipment that is used to operate your pool. This includes the motors, filters, pumps as well as anything mechanical which will go into making the pool run as it should. This equipment can be checked for clogs in your filtration system, leaks within your lines, safe and proper heating of water, proper filter pressure, leaks within the liner and many other functioning parts. Pool inspections will usually give you a good idea of the safety, efficiency and longevity of all of your equipment. This will ensure that you know whether any future repairs are needed, or if you should completely replace equipment or liners.

2. Safety Of Equipment
With any pool, you should always have emergency devices on hand. Pool inspectors will be able to help you verify if these life-saving items are up-to-date and if they are as easily accessible as they should be for emergency situations. Inspectors also check your electrical equipment and make sure they are not a fire hazard. This includes the operation of your electric pool lights above and under water. The steps will also be inspected for cracks and be to ensure that you are following regulations that involve ladder safety.

3. The Surrounding Environment
As important as the pool is, the environment that surrounds it is also important to the safety of the swimming area. Making sure that pool regulations are followed around your grounds will help to minimize chances of injury. With inspections, professional inspectors will determine if you are following all of the regulations with regards to pool safety and will give you specific instructions in how you may make improvements. This includes everything from the sidewalks to the pool fencing.

Not only are pool inspections a good idea, but they are crucial to the health of your commercial pool and those who use it. Pool inspections help to ensure that you are always one step ahead of all possible problems. And it only takes a small investment of your time.